Girls Learn To Row!
These sessions will introduce girls to the sport of Rowing.
Girls will be rowing on the water learning proper rowing technique, terminology and boat handling and do some light exercises on land.
Eligible Rowers: 7–12th Grade Girls. No Experience Necessary. Everyone is new!
Dates: Session 1: Monday, June 10 through Friday, June 14. 5-7 PM each day.
Session 2: Monday, August 5 through Friday, August 9. 8-10 AM each day.
Location: Hollywood Rowing Club 801 Johnson St Hollywood 33019. In Holland Park.
Directions: Johnson St is off US 1, between Sheridan St and Hollywood Blvd. After you turn east onto Johnson, go 1.4 miles until the end, then go left into the park. Once through the gate, go right and then take your first left into the parking lot. You will see our boathouse in the left corner.
What to Wear: Athletic shorts, t-shirt, running sneakers and a hat
What to Bring: A water bottle
Cost: $150 for 1 session or $275 for both sessions. $25 discount for siblings.
Register: Please e-mail info@hollywoodgirlsrowing.org for our registration forms. Once we receive your forms and payment, you will be registered!