2024-2025 Regattas

Most Florida regattas are attended by teams from all over the state.  We typically leave on Friday morning so we can practice on the course on Friday afternoon and racing takes place on Saturday only.  For our championship and out-of-state regattas, racing takes place over 2-4 days.

More information on these regattas can be found at: https://www.regattacentral.com/regattas

Benderson Chase – CANCELLED

Dates: Friday-Sunday, October 11-13

Host: Sarasota Crew

Location: Nathan Benderson Park, Sarasota, FL



Head of the Hooch

Dates: Thursday-Sunday, Oct 31-Nov 3

Host:  Friends of the Hooch, Inc.

Location: Chattanooga, TN


Hooch Website: Head of the Hooch

Winter Sprints

Dates: Friday-Saturday, December 6-7

Host: Plant High Rowing Association

Location: Nathan Benderson Park, Sarasota, FL

Varsity & Novice

Miami Shake An Erg – CANCELLED

Dates:  Saturday, February 1

Host:  Shake A leg Miami

Location:  Miami, FL

Varsity & Novice

American Youth Cup

Dates:  Friday-Sunday, Feb 14-16

Host:  Sarasota Crew

Location: Nathan Benderson Park, Sarasota, FL

Varsity & Novice


OARS Invitational

Dates: Friday & Saturday, March 7-8

Host: Orlando Area Rowing Society, Inc.

Location: Turkey Lake, Orlando, FL

Varsity & Selected Novice

Miami International Regatta

Dates: Saturday, April 5

Host: Miami Rowing Club

Location: Key Biscayne

Varsity & Novice


FSRA Sculling Championship (Sculling States)

Dates: Friday-Sunday, April 11-13

Host: Florida Scholastic Rowing Association

Location: Nathan Benderson Park, Sarasota, FL

Selected Varsity & Novice Girls.  This is the Florida Sculling State Championship Regatta and is a qualifier for Scholastic Nationals.  This requires leaving on Friday morning and staying overnight on Friday and Saturday.  Racing is on Saturday and Sunday.

STA Spring Break

Dates:  Wednesday-Sunday, April 16-27

No, this is not a race.  But, it is a very important period in our training as we head into States.  Please ensure you are home to attend all practices.  Practices will be at 8 AM.  Thank you!

FSRA Sweep Championship (Sweep States)

Dates: Friday-Sunday, April 25-27

Host: Florida Scholastic Rowing Association

Location: Nathan Benderson Park, Sarasota, FL

Selected Varsity & Novice.  This is the Florida Sweep State Championship Regatta and is a qualifier for Scholastic Nationals.  This requires leaving on Friday morning and staying overnight on Friday and Saturday.  Racing is on Saturday and Sunday.


USRowing Southeast Youth Championships (Regionals)

Dates: Thursday-Sunday, May 8-11

Host: USRowing

Location: Gainesville, GA

Selected Varsity & Novice.  This is the Southeast Championship Regatta and is a qualifier for Youth Nationals.  This requires leaving on Thursday after school and staying overnight on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Racing is on Saturday and Sunday.


SRAA Regatta (Scholastic Nationals)

Dates: Wednesday-Saturday, May 21-24

Host: Scholastic Rowing Association of America

Location: Cooper River, Pennsauken, NJ

Selected Varsity & Novice.  This is the national championship for school teams.  Boats must have qualified at Sculling and Sweep States.  This requires leaving on Wednesday afternoon and staying overnight on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  Racing is on Friday and Saturday.  

USRowing Youth National Championships (Youth Nationals)

Dates: Wednesday-Sunday, June 11-15

Host: USRowing

Location:  Nathan Benderson Park, Sarasota, FL

 Selected Varsity & Novice.  This is the National Championship Regatta for all high school teams – schools and clubs.  Boats must have qualified at Regionals.  This requires leaving on Wednesday and staying overnight on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Racing is on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.