Our Story
We are a family affair. Coaches Kathy and Megan are sisters – two of seven children who all rowed. We grew up in South Jersey where Crew is big. We learned to row in middle school, continued at Holy Spirit High School and then rowed for Florida Institute of Technology (FIT).
How We Began
Kathy and Megan are Master Rowers at Hollywood Rowing Club (HRC). In September of 2015, we met some girls from St. Thomas Aquinas High School who wanted to row. We offered to teach them on Saturdays. More girls joined. They wanted to race, so we began adding more practices. We went to two races our first year and medaled at each of them. We currently have 50 athletes, a schedule of races and practice six times per week. In a very short time, we have become a competitive team earning medals at every regatta we attend, including States, Regionals and Nationals. Our boats have won four State Championships, a Regional Championship and earned 2nd at Nationals in 2023!
Our High School Rowing History
In 1979, when Kathy and Megan began Holy Spirit High School they only had a Boys Crew Team. They had four brothers who were all on the Crew Team. Our mother saw the benefits that Rowing was having on her boys – developing a solid work ethic, becoming responsible and accountable, getting in excellent physical shape, making good friends and getting into college on scholarships. She wanted this for her girls too. In 1982, Holy Spirit allowed us to begin a Girls Team and they have won several national titles since. Our mother passed away from Breast Cancer in 1985. Holy Spirit gives out the Rita McDevitt Award every year to the girl who most embodies sportsmanship and leadership and the New Jersey Scholastic Rowing Championship awards the Rita McDevitt Memorial Trophy to the winning Girls Senior 8. We think of her all the time in our efforts with our team today!
The Boys Have Begun!
We began as a “Girls Only” team but we began receiving requests to add Boys. So, we made it happen! We began a Boys Team in September of 2023 and we now have a great group of boys who love our sport just as much as we do!
St. Thomas Aquinas High School
In 2018, St. Thomas Aquinas High School added us as a club sport and we are very proud to represent STA! During the school year, we operate as a scholastic team representing only STA.

In The News
Sun-Sentinel, 2019: https://www.sun-sentinel.com/community/riverside-times/fl-cn-sp-hollywood-girls-rowing-club-20190724-20190718-n4ari7acjzearcsax4c4gd357e-story.html
Sun-Sentinel, 2017: Girls Historic Rowing Team Hopes To Build On Regatta Success
Town & Country, 2014: Big Daddy: America’s Biggest College Rowing Event